Within a month of launch, Totem reached out to CNAY to offer its services in support of this national advocacy organization working to improve the health, safety and overall well-being of Native American youth ages 24 and under. The two organizations have worked together since.

Vision: For all Native American youth to lead full and healthy lives, to have equal access to opportunity, and to draw strength from their culture and inspire one another.

To learn more, visit: www.cnay.org

Totem supports Whitman-Walker Health in its efforts it serve as a sanctuary for the underserved populations of the Greater Washington area.

Mission: To offer affirming community-based health and wellness services to all with a special expertise in LGBTQ and HIV care. We empower all persons to live healthy, love openly, and achieve equality and inclusion.

To learn more, visit: www.whitman-walker.org


Totem is a member of the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce focused on expanding economic opportunities and advancements for LGBT people.

Mission: To create a nuanced understanding of the challenges and barriers that LGBT people face by virtue of discrimination, violence, exclusion and stigma and second, to promote and encourage the contributions that LGBTI people make to their communities and societies.

To learn more, visit: www.nglcc.org